At Southport Metro Medical Centre we provide appointments with general practitioners (family doctors). Our doctors provide general care such as general cold & fever, wound care, antenatal check ups, prescribing medication, vaccination, chronic pain management, and preventative health checks.
在 Southport Metro的医疗诊所,我们提供的是家庭医生的看诊服务。 家庭医生看的项目是全科,例如感冒、发烧,小的伤口包扎,例行产检,开处方药,疫苗注射,各种慢性肢体疼痛的管理以及健康检查等等。
For Doctors to find out why you are feeling unwell, doctors may ask you to do tests such as blood tests, X Rays or Ultrasounds.
If your condition require specialty care, doctors will give you a referral letter to see a specialist for further treatment/diagnosis.
Generally, non-urgent conditions require bookings one or two days prior to see the doctor, especially if you request to see a Chinese Speaking doctor. If you would like to see any doctors on the day, you would require to wait in the line.
通常在不紧急的状况下是需要提前一两天预约医生, 讲华语的医生都必须提前预约。如果是临时挂号会需要现场排队。
Upon arrival at medical center, please check in at reception by showing your medicare card or photo I.D
If you could bring a support person to translate for you that would be appreciated.
如果情况允许,请您带上一位能给您翻译的家人或者朋友, 谢谢您的合作。
If you have Bupa Private health insurance, please bring your card to the reception after your consultation, there will be NO out of pocket fees required.
If you would like to book with our Chinese-speaking doctor please do so now.