Diabetes Educator
How can a diabetes educator help?
Credentialled Diabetes Educators (CDEs) support people living with diabetes as well as people who have been diagnosed with prediabetes. They also support carers and guardians of people living with diabetes. For example, they may support both a child living with diabetes as well as the child’s parents. People who should see a CDE are:
- people living with type 1 diabetes
- people living with type 2 diabetes
- people who have been diagnosed with prediabetes or told they have high blood glucose
- children living with type 1 diabetes and their carers or guardians
- children living with type 2 diabetes and their carers or guardians
- people living with gestational diabetes, during and after their pregnancy
- people living with type 1 diabetes who are planning a pregnancy, are pregnant or have recently been pregnant
- people living with an intellectual disability and type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and their carers or guardians
When to refer
Newly Diagnosed type 2 diabetes
- NDSS registration (needs healthcare professional to sign up) this makes medication and equipment more affordable/ supplies cheaper for patient + puts them on a global register
Newly Diagnosed type diabetes
Understanding diabetes – newly diagnosed
Education on the condition, micro and macrovascular complications, types of diabetes medication and mechanism, and target ranges.
Monitoring – Type 2
When patients require their first meter or a meter upgrade. Monitoring is an important part of good self-management skills. Data indicates those who monitor more have better outcomes and make better decisions.
Meter Reviews
ensure patients are within target ranges established by health care team – identify problem areas/ patterns and problem solve. Review lifestyle factors that contribute to blood glucose levels.
Exercise and Diet /Weight-loss
Provide advice on diet and exercise as it pertains to diabetes and achieving good management.
CGM / Flash sensors
These monitoring devices are typically used by type 1 diabetics however are becoming more popular with type 2 patients on insulin. A diabetes educator can sign off and organise such devices for the patient via the NDSS online portal.
Insulin Pump Starts
These devices can also be sorted by diabetes educators through NDSS portal. In addition, a diabetes educator has training and experience with these devices and is able to compare and contrast the devices for the patient. Lastly, loan pumps can also be organised if a patients private health doesn’t cover the device.
BGL optimization quarterly review if deemed clinically appropriate.- good to have consistent health care team members
Point of care A1c testing
Measures Hba1c levels in 5 minutes.
Bulk-Billing appointments are now available at Southport Metro Medical Centre.
Give us a call on (07) 5612 7830 to find out more.